About Into Great Health with Charlie Savoca L.Ac.
In 1987, Charlie Savoca L.Ac., Dipl. O.M. (NCCAOM)® graduated from the Five Branches Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He received his license to practice Acupuncture and TCM in 1988 (L.Ac., State of California Lic.#AC3136). Mr. Savoca graduated from Pitzer College, (1978) Claremont,CA and received his B.A. is psychology.
- Orthopedic Acupuncture and Myofascial soft tissue release
- Electromedicine & Electro-acupuncture therapy
- Pain management and functional restoration for acute and chronic conditions. Sports medicine. Post-surgery rehabilitation.
- Digestive Disorders
- Allergies Specialist: NAET and BioScan SRT Electrodermal Biofeedback Testing. For allergies, immune disorders, and skin conditions
- Functional Medicine testing and treatment
- Auriculotherapy
- L.Ac. Licensed Acupuncturist, (Lic.#AC3136). State of California since 1987.
- Five Branches University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Graduate 1987 - Dipl. O.M. (NCCAOM)® Certificate #3602. Diplomate of Oriental Medicine. National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.
- Over 35 years experience in Acupuncture, Herbology and Natural Healing
- NAET training in allergy elimination with Dr. Nambudripad 2001
B.A. Psychology. Pitzer College Graduate, Claremont,CA. 1978